1. Taking care of children’s cutting of nails, combing of hair, brushing, bathing, uniform checking, proper usage of garments (according to the season).
2. Giving them regular motivation & little training about how to take bath, dress-up, brush, wash personal areas of body during wash & bathrooms, hand-wash etc.
3. Telling them the importance & proper use of under-garments.
1. Giving a proper check on all the dirty and unhygenic areas such as near washrooms, taps, playgrounds, garbage dumping areas , lawns , canteens, etc.
2. Committee will make sure to use all kinds of insecticides and other medicinal sprays in order to prevent mosquitoes flies, bees,frogs,lizards, snakes,cockroaches etc.
3. Taking care of the canteen in terms of hygenically maintenance such as freshness of food , purity of food...
1. Taking care of children’s safety at all the risk prone areas in the school such as playgrounds, entrance gate , washrooms,electric gadgets, vans, fire extinguishers , canteen area, near the stairs etc.
2. Responsibility of giving a strict vigilance / check on all these areas on daily basis by giving alternative duties to committee members.
3. Informing and alarming committee heads and the school head about any kind of...